The Benefits of Massage Therapy

Please question or comment as you read my blog. I will respond with answers to your
questions as I am able. I hope that each of you will come to love the benefits of receiving
regular massage as much as I have!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sports and muscle strain injuries

Finding yourself unable to preform and function can be frustrating and painful especially for someone who is normally quite active. Many of my clients have strained a muscle or injured themselves in some way that limits their ability to do what they love most.

Massage can restore hope and joy in life by relieving pain and improving function to muscle and soft tissue injuries. Especially for very active individuals massage is very affective at providing relief and restoring wholeness to an injury.

Usually these types of injuries respond relatively quickly to therapeutic treatment. In 6 - 8 treatments my clients often find their symptoms subsiding and their bodies able to begin to function more normally again.

Sports massage can be very helpful for increasing mobility and performance. I have helped several serious athletes through injuries as well as preventing injury that could have happened without the constant care.

Car accident injuries

Whiplash injuries are often devastating someone who has been in a accident. The pain and lack of mobility can limit ones ability to function. I have had numerous clients approach me even after months of physical therapy and medication, still in pain and looking for a solution.

Common symptoms can be neck and low back pain, loss of mobility, depression, headaches, and trigger points referring sensation up the neck or out to the extremities. Clients may also experience weakness from nerve compression.

Experience has shown me the effectiveness of massage in the treatment of injury sustained in a car accident.

Release of myo-fascial adhesion and muscular trigger points can bring relief of pain as well as increase mobility. Therapeutic massage treatment often requires 3-4 weeks of consistent treatment but the investment is well worth the outcome.

My experience in billing auto insurance injury claims saves my clients the hassle and up front cost when they need to be focusing their efforts on recovery.

Massage encourages healing and wholeness which many of my clients have been so happy to attain!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Headaches: understanding cause and treatment

Tension Headaches = muscle tension, neromuscular triggers, and increased inter cranial blood pressure

Injury of the muscles, tendons, or ligaments of the head and neck
Emotional stress brings on muscle tension
Joint restriction can irritate ligaments and cause muscle spasm
Postural alignment problems produces muscle tension
Eyestrain causes chronic muscle contraction
Poor ergonomics and repetitive movement leads to muscle tension, joint fixation, & misalignment

Vascular Headaches including Migraines & Cluster = pulsing pain from inter cranial blood vessel dilation

Food – can include cheese, chocolate, tea, coffee, or alcohol
Hormonal shifts – pregnancy, PMS, or menopause
Other unidentified triggers

Sinus Headaches

Colds, allergies, sinusitis

Chemical Headaches

Low blood sugar
Dehydration – alcohol intake or exercise without water

Traction – Inflammatory Headaches “frequency less than 2%”

Injury to or infection of the central nervous system
Encephalitis, meningitis, stroke, a tumor, or an aneurysm

Common Medical Treatments

Avoid triggers after identifying patterns in a headache journal
Tension headaches, mostly non-steroidal anti–inflammatory drugs (NSAID's)
Migraine headaches, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), beta blockers, and calcium blockers.


Massage can help by:
Releasing muscular trigger points and muscle spasm
Reducing tension
Restoring joint mobility
Increasing blood circulation
Releasing Stress

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Conditions I have successfully treated

The links below provide details about each condition and its treatment
"This is a work in progress, each condition will soon be linked"


Neck / Cervical Pain

Whiplash / Car Accident / Personal Injury

Shoulder Pain

Wrist Pain

Low Back / Sacral Iliac Pain

Hip Pain

Knee Pain

Leg Pain

Foot / Ankle Pain

For Massage Therapists: Articles

Does your job make you sick?

Keeping your body from injury

Deep Tissue Massage: Stroke Intention

Deep Tissue Massage: Body Positioning

Buy T-Bars

Benefits of Massage

Circulatory System

helping to develop a stronger heart

improving oxygen supply to the cells

improving nutrient supply to the cells

elimination of metabolic wastes

decreasing blood pressure

increasing circulation of lymph nodes

Digestive System

relaxing the abdominal and intestinal muscles

relieving tension

stimulating activity of liver and kidneys

elimination of waste material

Muscular System

relaxing or stimulating muscles

strengthening muscles and connective tissue

helping to keep muscles flexible and pliable

relieving soreness, tension, and stiffness

Nervous System

stimulating motor nerve points

relieving restlessness and insomnia

promoting a sense of well being

relieving pain

Lymphatic System

cleansing the body of metabolic wastes

draining sluggish lymph nodes

Integumentary System

stimulating blood to better nourish skin

improving tone and elasticity of skin

helping to normalize glandular functions

Skeletal System

improving body alignment

relieving stiff joints

relieving achy feet